The volunteer is:
• A teacher, student, farmer, businessman, nurse, carpenter, restaurant
owner, banker, office worker, husband, wife, son or daughter.
• An individual who makes a personal sacrifice of their time.
• An individual who performs in a firefighter capacity not for monetary
reward but purely for the satisfaction of helping others.
• An individual who performs well under pressure and finds satisfaction in
facing sometimes seemingly unconquerable challenges.
• An individual who wants to make a contribution to his or her community.
• An individual who is gratified by a simple statement of "Thank you for
your help".
• An individual who enjoys the challenges and excitement of life.
• An individual who finds social gratification in being a member of a
group of individuals bound together by a common goal or desire.
• An individual who is willing to face the extremes of weather both day
and night when a home maybe threatened by fire or a life maybe in trouble.
• An individual who desires to be a part of one of the most professionally
oriented organizations in their community.
• An individual to whom a young child or older adult can look up to for
• An individual who is willing to be an educator and a friend.
• An individual who inspires others by their dedication, selflessness, and
• An individual who goes beyond the normal daily routine and faces the
challenges of tomorrow - - today.
Ask any volunteer firefighter or EMT why they accept the
challenges they do. What was the turning point in their decision to become
a volunteer firefighter or EMT? Each one will tell you in their own words,
that being a part of the fire/EMS department fulfills a basic and personal
human need. . . the need to contribute to a worthwhile endeavor and to
help others. As firefighters and EMT’s work to fulfill their need to help
others, they also meet the ever-growing needs of their community.
We all have a need to feel important. We want to accomplish
certain goals in our lives and grow as a person. We seek challenges in our
life, excitement from our daily routines, and a chance to form new and
lasting friendships with individuals who have common goals. Volunteer
firefighting and EMS provides all of these opportunities. As a volunteer
firefighter or EMT, you will enjoy achievements, gain increased
self-respect, receive personal and community recognition, but most
importantly receive the rewards that come from helping others. Yes,
firefighting and EMS is hard work but time spent with fellow firefighters
and EMT’s is enjoyable and builds a sense of teamwork and accomplishment.
Firefighting and EMS is very demanding of an individual. Many
hours of training are involved, requirements must be met and regulations
and standards are to be upheld. Our volunteer firefighters are not
compensated in the traditional way for their efforts. There is no
paycheck, no monetary bonus, or financial incentive to work harder.
However, there is a reward! It comes from the pride the volunteer receives
both individually and as part of an organization. It comes from the
feeling of being a part of a team effort, which you will enjoy. It comes
in the form of a friendly handshake from a grateful citizen or a mother's
smile of gratitude. The child's awe as they see the inside of a fire truck
or ambulance, getting to blow the siren or seeing the flashing red lights
while talking to one of their heroes. The smile from a neighbor, friend or
family member in your community who congratulates you on being a part of a
thriving, valuable and irreplaceable community organization.
Why volunteer? Look inside yourself. If you have a desire to help
others, experience the excitement that comes from a job well done, and
have pride in yourself and others just like you, you will find the answer.
Volunteer firefighting or EMS will never make you rich monetarily. Those
who have come before you will tell you that no amount of money is worth
the satisfaction that comes from helping those in their time of need, or
the simple thank you from someone who’s life you touched. Interested in
Becoming a Volunteer?
Still Interested in
becoming a Shepherd Volunteer?
Any Resident, Property Owner or person employed in the fire service
protection area of the Shepherd Volunteer Fire Department (SVFD), who is
18 years of age or older, is eligible to become a member of the Department
after filling out an application and attending three consecutive Business
Meetings. After such time, the application for membership shall be
reviewed and voted on by written ballot by the Fire Chief, Asst. Fire
Chief's and Captains.
Business meetings are at 7 PM every First Monday of the month at Fire
station #1 Located at
8015 Wade St, Shepherd, Mt 59079